Y25 D146 03:18

Laser Scalpel


Y17 D221
Listing type:

Total price:
175,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
4.91 (1778 reviews)
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Listing Description

The laser scalpel is a small, hand-held cutting tool used by doctors. It usually has the same thin, curved handle and short edge as bladed scalpels because of the efficiency of the ancient design. However, a few different versions may be found, depending on a doctor's preference. A light durasteel casing is used to keep the laser from eroding the tool while still keeping production costs low.

Most operations are done by medical droids with specialized equipment, but the scalpel is still the most popular tool when doctors work with life-preserving cybernetics. Every doctor has one, if only to install cybernetic parts. The laser scalpel is still used for other operations as well, but as medical droids have become more efficient at everyday medicine the laser scalpel has fallen in popularity.

Listing Items

50x Laser Scalpel