Y25 D143 19:07

DD-13 Medical Assistant


Y17 D353
Listing type:

Total price:
20,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
4.96 (184 reviews)
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Listing Description

\"The DD-13 Medical Assistant droid was originally manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries to be used aboard their medlifter transports. These vehicles proved less successful than first hoped, but this rugged droid found favour among the handlers of Republic contracts, who purchased it in large numbers to aid clone troops on the front lines of battle. Due to its origin and the number of amputations and surgeries these droids had to perform, they were nicknamed \"Galactic Chopper Droids\" by clone commanders. Nevertheless, despite misgivings about a medical droid made by a company known for heavy machinery, it saw extensive use and continued to remain in service until its contract was cancelled after the fall of the Republic.\"