Y25 D144 15:02

Numbered Account

Y20 D81
Listing type:
Single Sale

Total price:
1,000,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
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Listing Description

Numbered Account

For those clients requiring additional security and anonymity in their financial dealings, the numbered account is for you. The numbered account works in a similar way to a standard transaction account, except that anonymous transactions can be made. The bank disburses or receives funds on the client’s behalf, and at no time is the account holder’s identity disclosed. The account is identified by a number only. Coupled with the bank’s Proxy Purchasing Service, which numbered account customers get 6 free uses of each year, your privacy is guaranteed for all transactions. For added peace of mind, account holders may nominate a beneficiary in the event of their death.

At A Glance: Numbered Account

Minimum Deposit: 0 cr

Maximum Deposit: 999,999,999 cr

Transaction Fee: 4% on withdrawals

Monthly Fee: None

Other Features: Anonymous transactions. Nominated beneficiary. 6 free uses of the Proxy Purchasing Service per year.

Ready to open your account with us? Visit our Account Registration page to begin: http://www.swc-lc.com/bank-of-the-core/account-registration/

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