Y25 D149 17:52

YV-666 @ Fokask Depot (330, -105)

On the Hunt!

Y22 D55
Listing type:

Total price:
18,000,000 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
5.00 (43 reviews)
This listing can't be bought

Listing Description

The YV-666 Light Freighter was once synonymous with a certain pirate’s escapades throughout the years, often leading it to gain the reputation of being solely a pirate ship.

In more recent years, however, the YV-666 has become an apex predator of bounties, allowing hunters to go after their targets well-stocked and able to handle a variety of differing situations, whilst still offering speed and heavy armament.

It should also be noted that the YV-666 can carry a large crew, meaning that it will provide itself as a great mobile base for hunting parties.

Listing Items

1x YV-666 Light Freighter