Y25 D153 06:13

Nice city on TF owned Caaraz I

Y25 D87
Listing type:
Single Sale

Total price:
500,000,400 cr
TFM average:
0 cr
No reviews
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Listing Description

Very old but still looking nice city with few buildings in it for sale.

System: Caaraz (-168, -255)
Planet: Caaraz I (17, 15)
Surface: (1, 4)

City plan: https://www.swcombine.com/citydesigner/?code=30,4,2,h;20,16,2,h;31,10,6,h;3,10,12,v;|1|v

Planet Name: Caaraz I
Planet type: hot/breathable
Government: Alpha Medical Corporation
Population: 8,067,426 inhabitants
Civilisation Level: 5.360%
Morale: 60.720%
Crime: 6.670%
Employment rate: 1,082.0 / (1,075 + 0.1) = 1.00642
Free Squares: 75%